
CV Writing Skills

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Write a Great CV

A Curriculum Vitae (CV or Resume) is a document which details a person's educational and professional history and is used when applying for jobs. Advertised jobs will often receive multiple applications and CVs, and it is therefore important to create an impact with your first impression and to make sure your CV stands out from the rest.

A CV is a marketing tool which markets you, and therefore needs to be positive and frank. While highlighting your achievements and qualifications, it must also be tailored towards the position that you are applying for and ensure that it is not discarded for being too vague.

There are many different formats in which your CV can be presented, many examples of which can be found online. If applying for design or creative roles, your CV may make a great impression by being unique however this is probably not the best course to take if the role which you are applying for is not so inventive.

As well as the standard information such as contact details, qualifications and experience that you have, it is important that you include the following:

  • Qualifications, particularly details of your teacher training.
  • Relevant modules from your degree.
  • Details of school experience, prioritising where it is and the age range you want to teach.
  • Any other teaching experience e.g. sports coaching, summer camps and youth groups.
  • Any relevant voluntary experience.
  • Any interests relevant to teaching e.g. musical abilities, sporting activities.
  • Any skills that will be useful in the role e.g. leadership, I.T, Languages.
  • It is also important to include two up to date referees who are happy to provide any potential employers with positive references about you.

Golden Rules for CV Writing

Check your spelling

Spelling mistakes in a CV can immediately put a potential employer off the candidate. Make sure you use a spell checker or dictionary when writing and checking your CV and ask somebody to proof read it for you before sending it anywhere.

Check your grammar

Grammar mistakes can make the difference between "eating dogs" and "eating, dogs". Don't let it let you down.

Style of writing

Make sure that it is type-written. Many job applications call for a digital copy anyway, but should you be tempted to handwrite and scan...please don't.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple; if you have been sent 100 CVs for a job and one of them is 5 pages long, no matter how great your achievements are the likelihood is that it isn't going to be read in its entirety. Stick to a 2 page limit and pick out your achievements that are most relevant to the role that you are applying for.

Be honest

It is never a good idea to claim that your biggest achievement is climbing Mount Everest when you haven't, or to embellish any grades you may have got.

Include personal details

Personal Details - surprisingly enough, many people forget to include these. You only need the basics but as basics they are pretty important!

Hobbies and interests

Only include hobbies and interests if they are relevant to the role. For example, the teamwork you encounter in your football matches or the attention to detail you would need for model making.

Regular updates

Keep your CV up-to-date and relevant. Update it frequently with new information to ensure that you don't accidentally miss out something important.



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